Tuesday, July 1, 2008

A spiritually enhancing summer ahead!

My, how time does fly! Already a year has gone by since I first stepped behind the pulpit inside our sanctuary. Cathy and I have been looking back over the last year with great fondness for the people of Sango church and the Sango area of the county. We feel well rooted here with you and our neighbors. Again, we thank you all for the wonderful hospitality you showed us after we arrived.

Speaking of hospitality,the UMC's Igniting Ministries says that,

Studies have shown that visitors make up their minds in the first 11 minutes whether or not they’re coming back to a church. Those 11 minutes are the time usually spent finding a parking place, locating the proper entrance, being greeted, and finding a seat.
What is your personal "welcoming quotient?" Take IM's short quiz to find out! Tom Bandy, one of America's foremost experts on church life and trends, says that there is nothing more important week to week than hospitality to newcomers if we are to grow our church.

A great summer is coming up for spiritual enhancement. We have Vacation Bible School's Beach Party Surfing' through the Scriptures coming up July 7-11. The VBS crew always does a splendid job with the material and the kids. Last year we had almost 200 kids participating!

On Sunday, July 13, one or more of our youth will deliver the message for the day, and some of the VBS kids will offer songs of praise.

Spiritual Gifts Discernment will be led by the Rev. Loyd Mabry on July 20 and 27. Loyd is the director of connectional ministries and congregational development for the Tennessee Conference. A former district superintendent, Loyd will lead a spiritual gifts discernment workshop on those two dates at 2 p.m.. Please note that this is one workshop on two dates. If you wish to attend, then you should plan on attending both days.

I believe that discerning our spiritual gifts is the most important thing we can do for the spiritual health of our church and its future. To learn more, read one (or all!) of the following:

Bishop Wills to preach Sept. 21. Dick Wills, bishop of the Tennessee Conference, will preach at Sango at 11 a.m. Sept. 21. On June 15, the church council voted to consolidate our two services that day. Please plan on coming to hear his special message!

Spiritual Renewal Week begins that day, Sept. 21. That evening we will be blessed to welcome the Rev. Diana DeWitt for three evenings of spirited worship! Diana is associate pastor at Hermitage UMC and is an energetic proclaimer of the Word of God.

Daytime Bible Study will begin July 15 at 9 a.m. Our first topic will be, "Job, Jonah, Jesus and the Problem and Good and Evil." This study will correspond (perhaps fairly roughly) to my sermon series beginning July 27 on the same topic.

Anniversary Sunday will be August 17 with the Rev. Willie Lyle preaching. We will have one service that day at 10:30 a.m. with food and fellowship beginning at 9:30.

I pray everyone will stay safe this summer in travels and activities. It's a great time to be part of the Sango family! Spread the Good News!

And remember, whatever we do that is worthy to lay before the Lord will be done, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, says the Lord of hosts.”

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